Monthly Archives: July 2013

iNSPIRING READING: Most lives are lived by default

I LOVE this blog post: The day-to-day feel and quality of each of our lives sits on a few major structures: where we live, what we do for a living, what we do with ourselves when we’re not at work, and which people we spend most of our time with.  Making a major change in […]


James Rhodes: ‘Find what you love and let it kill you’ We seem to have evolved into a society of mourned and misplaced creativity. A world where people have simply surrendered to (or been beaten into submission by) the sleepwalk of work, domesticity, mortgage repayments, junk food, junk TV, junk everything, angry ex-wives, ADHD kids […]


SUGAR Sugar gives you wrinkles, sagging, dark circles under eyes, and fast-tracks diabetes, and may be linked to Alzheimer’s disease. It suppresses the human growth hormone, which can make you look and feel older. High sugar diets can cause inflammation, which leads to broken capillaries, loss of skin elasticity, and breakdown of cells. Carbonated sugars (such as soft drinks) significantly increase […]

Tread lightly

Tread lightly upon this earth, seeing, understanding but never imposing. Thoughtful, independent, be gracious in victory and defeat. Free of possessiveness, so ease of mind sweetens relationships. Like the scent of a rose the untroubled spirit imparts a lasting fragrance. The least one can do with ones life is to tread lightly


“To know that even one life has breathed easier because you have lived, that is to have succeeded.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson